Saturday, February 23, 2008

First CVS Deal

Just last night I completed my first CVS deal. I had to spend a bit on a previous visit to get enough CareBucks; but, now I’m good to go.

I realize I could have made multiple trips and not spent as much real cash initially, but I have to minimize my trips, as I do not have a nearby CVS. I did however, only buy items that our family normally uses and that were on sale (plus I had a few coupons – that means the wind chime I bought was really free ???).

I loved the teller’s face when I dwindled a pre-tax order of $16 to about $2.50 and then walked out with another 17 CareBucks!

I learned about drug-store shopping (how they take multiple coupons and their reward/rebate programs) at
Make sure you printout Lisa’s CVS cheat sheet as there is a specific order to get all of your coupons accepted.

I’ll never make as many deals as other posters; because I have brand/item limitations due to my family’s unique health issues and I don’t have access to all of the same stores – but, hey, any little bit helps!

What do you do to save a few cents?


Marcia said...

Thanks for the tips and link. I have a CVS card, but have seldom used it. I'm going to try some of these ideas to save money!

Country Gal said...

Great savings! I wish we had a CVS nearby! How do I save a few cents? Thrift Stores and Garage Sales. I love a good treasure hunt! There are deals to be found everywhere if you're looking for them!

Susan said...

Hmm, I have a CVS card. I'm going to have to check out this idea.

Your blog is a great idea. I love discovering ways to save this hard earned money.

Susan Mueller