Friday, April 20, 2012

It was a TIA

Last Wednesday I had and EEG and an MRI. The doctors wanted to rule out seizures with the EEG and check for damage or additional strokes with the MRI. If the MRI showed no damage they no longer call them mini strokes they call them TIAs. I have had both test done before and both have come back clean so that is what we've been praying for.

The last time I had an MRI it was an Open MRI so imagine my surprise this time... argh. The tech said the open ones aren't as good, but I should just relax and breath normally because if I wasn't still enough it would skew the results -- supposed to keep your mouth closed too. There in was a problem: not only am I claustrophobic but my nose has been broken a few times making me only able to breathe shallowly through it, I turned down the chemical relaxant as I was driving myself. Keeping my eyes closed and praying for everyone I knew kept me focused elsewhere and avoided a panic attack.

Today the doctor's office called and said that my brain MRI came back normal. Praise the Lord! That means it was a TIA, transient ischemic attack. Click for article.

The neurologist had said that due to my intermittent atrial fib (ablation isn't an option) which causes blood to pool that if the test came back TIA instead of stroke Plavix and Asprin type drugs (which I had been taking since the incident) would not work as they were blood thinners and I would require platelet therapy such as Cuomadin. I do not want to go on Cuomadin and I will be discussing alternatives on April 30th with my doctors in Atlanta.

I am still waiting on results for the EEG but expect it to be normal as well. This EEG was a bit different then when I took it 10 years ago. I don't remember having to go to bed at 12 AM and be up at 5 AM. I do remember them wanting you to sleep or at least be very relaxed. This time, during the actual test I did finally start to drift off just to be jolted awake and told to breathe a certain pattern for 3 minutes. I'm assuming the test has just changed or just done differently here and not that anything odd happened. The tech seemed like all was fine.

Just want to thank our family and friends: Church family has been driving me to Atlanta weekly since the TIA and will continue until all is cleared and I'm good on any new meds, our Blazer bit the dust and our neighbor has loaned us their car for when we need two, family is bring us a van in May to replace the Blazer. Thanking you all and thanking God for you!

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